Monday, May 23, 2011

Whirlwind Weekend

Whew.....I think I need a vacation from having a vacation.

We ventured to the Norfolk/VA Beach area for my cousin's wedding this weekend.  It was a really long, cramped car ride up there, but overall it was worth it.  She looked most beautimus and the reception was right on the dunes on the naval base in Dam Neck.  I seriously need to find a picture of her dress because it was a stunner. 

I'm totally off my schedule today and have felt discombobulated all day.  I had tons of emails waiting on me at work, I had to stop by the grocery store and I came home to a sick KB and tons of laundry.

Oh the joys of a vacation day!


  1. can't wait to see pics from the wedding!! it was mary that got married (haha) right? how ridiculous that y'all were gone the one weekend i'm up in the hills?! i know you're very familiar with where the wedding was. we stayed at the best western in banner elk.

  2. Which hat did you wear? I am dying to know. And we used to go to the beach there all the time when I was little! I totally recognized it from the pic. Someone got stung by a jellyfish once there. Ahhhhhhhh, good memories.
