Sunday, October 24, 2010

Menu Sunday

Here's another installment of what the Browns will be eating this week:

Mon: Ethiopian Chicken Stew
This is another Year of Slow Cooking recipe.....I absolutely love this site.  I ate an Ethiopian restaurant one time in college and it was the bomb dot com.  We'll see how my own Ethiopian flavor turns out!

Tues: Chicken Potpie Soup
I love soup...can you tell?  I'll probably be leaving out the leeks and the puff pastry, since the Food Kitty in Podunkville probably doesn't carry them.

Wed:  We'll be eating out somewhere in A-ville with some of KB's co-workers.

Thurs: Crescent Mummy Dogs
Crescent rolls are the best and so are hotdogs.  These are great because everyone loves Halloween (except for my mom) and everyone loves hotdogs!

Fri: Chicken Thighs with Chantrelle Mushrooms
Once again, another recipe form For the Love of Cooking.  I"ll probably be using just regular mushrooms.

Bonus recipes for this week:
I'll be making some butternut squash ala Preppy Pink Crocodile it sounded pretty easy and good.

I'll also be making Pumpkin Fudge ala Muffy Martini.  I depend on lots of IT people where I work and this week especially I have put them through the they're getting fudge to make up for it.

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