Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thoughts on a Thursday

  • I'm so ready for it to be Friday.  Being out of town last week has caused this week to drag....MAJORLY.  We're also not super busy at work like we normally are and the days are crawling by.
  • I've always wanted to try cleaning my house one room at a time and this week I was able to.  I normally clean the whole house on Saturday morning, but I didn't get a chance to last weekend.  So far so good and I'm pretty impressed with myself for being able to stick with it.
  • On that note, I have not stuck with my healthy eating habits this week.  I have eaten Mexican food 4 times.....4 TIMES.  I seriously need to get back on the fit wagon.
  • I just changed the sheets on our bed and I am so looking forward to going to bed tonight.  Falling asleep on fresh clean sheets is one of the best feelings in the world.
What are your thoughts on this Thursday?  Link up with Carolyn and let me know!


  1. yummy mexican!
    I just put on clean sheets last night. Heaven

  2. I have the worst time eating healthy!! I try and stick with it and then I think of ice cream or something fattening and say screw that diet haha
