Friday, January 7, 2011

Fabulous Friday....

It's a fabulous Friday becauuuuuse.......

from here
It was doing this at our CEOs house.  So he let us go home.  Yay him.....and his donkey!

Since I'm home early I actually have time to work out today.  This is quite possibly the cheesiest workout video I have ever seen, but it's on Instant Stream from it'll work.

I'm going to put some carrot chips in the dehydrator tonight.  I think they'll be delicious, but the people I work with think it's weird.  We'll see about this one.

My coworkers took me out for a birthday lunch to one of my favorite restaurants in town.  If you're ever in A-ville, you should stop by Tupelo Honey.  They have the best biscuits, jam and pickled okra.

Why is Friday fabulous for you?


  1. Your bday lunch spot looks amazing!!! What fun! Enjoy your weekend!

  2. all of that stuff looks delicious. i need to make a trip to the mountains soon. it's been way too long.
