Monday, February 21, 2011

Guilty Pleasure

Just like the fun swinging couple below...I am an avid bird watcher.

My grandmother is a big bird watcher and I think this is probably where this habit came from.  She has always had tons of feeders and houses and all types of random bird paraphernalia.  While I just have one feeder, I still love to look out my office window and see what types of birds are around.  Birds are so neat.  They are so industrious and are so active.  I love watching the different species interact.....NERD ALERT.

This past weekend I participated in the Great Backyard Bird Count.  I really hadn't put too much thought into the different species that are at my feeder until I filled out my GBBC checklist and it was really neat.....then I emailed my compare notes.

1 comment:

  1. That is so cute that y'all share that pastime! I need to put up a bird feeder!
