I'm still plugging away on the fit train. Judging by the half gallon (ok maybe not that much) of ice cream I ate last night I need it more than ever. This week I'll be doing this:
I'm also excited about getting to use this a little bit more....
KB got me a stability ball and some resistance bands for my birthday. I've used the resistance bands a lot, but the ball not as much. I'll definitely be doing some planks and ab stuff on it.
What will you be working out this week?
I have been dieting for about a month and am STUCK right at the -9 lbs mark. It's driving me NUTS. I worked out a little on Friday for the first time in years. I had super busy weekend, but I will be working out again today. I do the treadmill for 30 minutes, the stationary bike for 30 minutes, and the ab-bench for 50 crunches. While I'm walking or riding, I use little 5 pound weights to stimulate my arms. Hopefully I'll start to break my plateau soon!