Thursday, November 29, 2012

It's OK

It's OK....

-To fall asleep on the couch at 8:30 and wake up at 2:30 not knowing where you are.

-To drink 2 cups of hot chocolate after dinner....and then some green tea.....and then some hot Emergen C.

-To be super excited about getting packages...even though nothing in them is for me.

-To be almost done with my Christmas shopping!

-To hit your neighbor's mailbox with your car and rip off your side mirror.

-To expect KB to fix said broken side mirror even though he didn't do it.

-To watch every episode of Catfish on MTV. Such a weird and sad show.

-To want a whole new wardrobe. I'm over every piece of clothing I own.

-To want to be a stay at home my dogs.

-To want to eat a big fat cheeseburger, even though your head is so stopped up you can't taste it.

What's OK with you today?

Link up and find out!


  1. Sorry about your car! I too keep getting sucked into Catfish. WHY?

  2. i've only seen the first episode of catfish. it is okay. better than most reality tv.

    i feel like poo and cannot stop drinking hot beverages. coffee, chai latte, apple cider...i have a problem.

    i also would like a cheeseburger that i, too, would not be able to taste. bummer.

  3. My couch is pretty much my bed, so at least I always know where I am when I awake in the middle of the night. :)

    Loved your list!

  4. Stopping by from the link up! I wish I was almost done with my Christmas shopping... unfortunately just getting started but I have a recent trip to NYC to thank for my delayed shopping... I also think everyone should have at least 2 cups of hot chocolate every day when it's cold. Good for the soul.

    Adorable blog, glad I stopped by!

  5. I know I'm a day late in reading, but I'm totally jealy that you are almost done with xmas shopping. I honestly have bought like 2 items so far! And I saw a preview for Catfish... might have to watch it. I kinda like weird stuff like that. :)

  6. I love getting packages and if I ordered whats in them for someone else lol. I feel the same way about my wardrobe ick hate it. xx

  7. I'm with you & the whole new wardrobe!

  8. yup been there done that feeling asleep early and then waking up totally confused as to why i was sleeping there and what time it is. and packages excite me too even if they aren't for me!

  9. it's not ok to stop blogging. i'm attempting your french onion soup on this yucky rainy hungover sunday.
